Use this static Page to test the Theme’s handling of the Front Page template file.
This is the Front Page content. Use this static Page to test the Front Page output of the Theme. The Theme should properly handle both Blog Posts Index as Front Page and static Page as Front Page.
If the site is set to display the Blog Posts Index as the Front Page, then this text should not be visible. If the site is set to display a static Page as the Front Page, then this text may or may not be visible. If the Theme does not include a front-page.php template file, then this text should appear on the Front Page when set to display a static Page. If the Theme does include a front-page.php template file, then this text may or may not appear.
Third Cover
Our new Start Page

Wonderful Image
Second Cover
Template: Sticky
This is a sticky post. There are a few things to verify: The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky class if you are using the post_class() function to generate your post classes, which is a best practice. They should show at the…